機 構 簡 介
基智系統獲得香港社會服務聯會(社聯)所頒發的「15 年Plus 商界展關懷」獎項,以表揚基智系統持續實踐良好企業公民精神。踏入第6年,基智系統將繼續貫徹履行企業社會責任。
基智系統 是「Google 應用服務」授權經銷商,在香港推廣「Google 應用服務」專業版的首個授權經銷商。我們分別於 2006年及2007年為客戶裝置第一個Gmail帳戶和 「Google應用服務」協作平台。目前,我們的客戶涵蓋超過 30 個行業。通過我們的註冊服務,我們一共積累了超過 11,000 個「Google 應用服務」的帳戶。此外,我們也是第一個 「Google 應用服務」授權經銷商,從2008年開始提供免費社區教育計劃。在2010年我們協助非政府組織成功申請谷歌慈善計劃 (Google Grant),讓他們可透過谷歌 AdWords 這網上廣告服務來推廣其服務,同年我們贊助以Google應用服務建立網上學習障礙資源網站 news.sld2000.com,2016年再度獲東華三院提名「商界展關懷 Caringcompany 」 。
We are an experienced I.T. business integrator who has been serving companies in Hong Kong since 1988. We constantly work with many other I.T. businesses to provide the best possible integrated solutions to business users. 20 years of valuable experience results a strong knowledge that is well recognized in the industry and earns an outstanding reputation from its clients.
We are the first Google Appointed Apps Authorized Reseller in Hong Kong to support Google Apps since 2009. We deployed first gmail account in 2006 and Google Apps collaboration platform in 2007. Our clientele covers more than 25 industries. Through our registration service, we have accumulated more than 11,000 google apps user accounts. Furthermore, we are the first Google Appointed Apps Authorized Reseller to provide community education program in Hong Kong . Also we helped local charity NGO successfully apply Google Grant to promote services of the organization by Adwords.
D P SYSTEMS has been awarded the Caring Company Logo for 15 Years by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, in recognition of our achievements in and commitment to corporate social responsibility.
Launched by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service in 2002, the Caring Company Scheme aims at cultivating good corporate citizenship. It is specifically geared to building strategic partnerships among businesses and non-profit organisations to create a more cohesive society.